One Year of 25 Things

This week marks the one year anniversary of the creation of my 25 Things list.

It’s actually pretty crazy to think that it’s been a whole year – in some ways, it feels like I’ve been working on this list for forever, and in some ways it feels like I just began.

It’s also very startling to realize that I only have a year and a half to finish my list.

If you’re wondering what’s on my list, and how many items I’ve accomplished to date, click here to view my whole list. Items on the list turn blue when I’ve completed them, and there’s a little progress bar at the top to indicate how far along I am on my goals.

Currently, the progress bar states that I’ve completed 12% of my list, which is…not very much. But it’s a little misleading! Some items on the list aren’t just one-and-done kinds of goals – let’s talk about some of the things I’ve been working on in the past year.

Year One Accomplishments

Let’s start with the goals I have accomplished.

For one thing, here I am, writing on this blog! One of my 25 Things items was to start my own blog, and the publication of this post marks my 32nd post. Not too shabby.

There are two other items I’ve been able to officially check off my list. I’ve purchased stock in a company called NextEra Energy, which invests in clean energy solutions for the U.S. of A., and also in creating jobs for Americans. All good things!

NextEra Energy creates clean energy solutions and jobs for Americans.

I’ve also ramped up to waking up an hour early each morning – the goal was to use this time to either work out or write, which I successfully did for several months, before transitioning to working out after work in the evenings, and dedicating all of my morning time to writing.

I have to say, I’m pretty obsessed with this schedule! Being up and alert an hour before getting ready for work seems to make me even more productive during my work hours, and it also has provided me a substantial, reliable timeframe to get a little writing done. Not every morning is as productive as I’d like – I don’t always write dazzling content, and some mornings I put more words on a page than others – but it’s not about always being perfect, it’s about practicing and polishing those English major skills. Writing is one of those things that takes practice, and so here we are.

Aside from the goals I’ve been able to check off, I’ve been slowly working on a few others:

Goal #4 Write a book

I’m maybe writing a book? I started writing a short story some time ago, which is currently 17 Word Doc pages in length, and I have yet to reach the climax of the story. So who knows! Maybe it’ll turn out to be a novel, maybe it’ll turn out to be a short story that no one will want to read.

Other than that, I’ve slowly been working on an actual idea I have for a novel. However, the majority of the action will take place in the Himalayas, so I’m waiting until I complete my trek to Mount Everest to really get into writing that story. Write what you know, and all of those English major sayings, right?

Goal #5 Go to Mount Everest
Goal #12 Get in best shape of my life with Kate
Goal #13 Run a 10K with Kate

This leads me into another goal I’ve been working on – my trek to Mount Everest Base Camp. I’ve gathered together a significant number of the items I’ll need for the trek, though I’m still missing key pieces like hiking boots and a jacket.

I've gathered most of the items I'll need for my trek to EBC!

I’ve also been in contact with some trekking companies, and am working on nailing down our trekking dates. My friend Kaysey and I plan to make a pit stop in India on our way back from Everest, and we’re attempting to see if we could time it perfectly to celebrate Holi while we’re in India, as well. However, due to the timing of the expedition teams landing at Base Camp, it might put us well past Holi, so it may not be possible to make it to India in time. We’ll just have to go back!

I’ve also been working out every day in preparation for the trek, which also ties into goal #13, which is to run a 10K with my friend Kate. I plan to do this shortly after I return from Everest, so hopefully this goal will be checked off within a year, as well. I don’t promise to run fast, I just promise to run. 🙂

Goal #6 Start an after-school writing group

I also plan to start my after-school writing group for high school students this year. Once school starts up again, I plan to reach out to a local high school to see if it’s something they think their students would be interested in. Then I’ll put together a little curriculum and go from there! I already have several ideas for some fun little writing adventures, so I’m pretty stoked.

Goal #7 Go zero waste
Goal #8 Get laser hair removal
Goal #9 Move out and live independently

This brings us to goal #7, to go zero waste. I’ve made a pretty significant change in my life in the last year, but there is still a lot to work to be done. This goal also ties in a bit to goal #9, to move out, which I plan to do this Fall. Kate and I plan to move in together, and as we’re both going zero waste, we can better commit to going zero waste with our cleaning supplies and food products, which are the two biggest areas we need to tackle. Also connected to this goal is getting laser hair removal, which is in progress. Check, check, and check.

Well, not quite yet. But almost!

Goal #10 Attend the hot air balloon festival in Duluth Albuquerque, and ride in a hot air balloon

Next on the list is to attend the hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque. Originally, this was the festival in Duluth, Minnesota, which I did attend…however, it was too windy (imagine that), and only a single balloon was up in the air two separate times, both points at which I was not at the park. It was not the hot air balloon festival experience I wanted, so I changed my goal to attend the festival in Albuquerque. I’m hoping to attend the festival this Fall!

Goal #11 Visit every State Park in Minnesota

At Devil's Kettle on the North Shore – one of the coolest places I've visited so far.

I’m also working on visiting every State Park in Minnesota. I’m currently at 32, so a little over a third of the 75 State Parks. I’m making progress, but there are obviously many more to come! I have to say, this has been my favorite goal on the list, and definitely the most rewarding so far.

Goal #14 Pay off half of my student loans

Initially, this goal was to pay off my student loans entirely. When I made this goal, I knew that wasn’t realistic, but I put it on the list anyway for some reason. I’ve come to terms that paying off all of my loans entirely is just not feasible, so I’ve changed the goal to paying off half of my student loans, which would still be pretty sweet.

Goal #16 Hand-bind a copy of The Great Gatsby

I’ve typed up the entire body of text from The Great Gatsby, have collected a folder of 1920s Art Deco design inspiration pieces, and am ready to draft my interior page and cover design!

I've gathered most of the supplies I'll need to bind a copy of The Great Gatsby.

I’ve also purchased many of the tools that I’ll need to create a beautiful book. Now, time for the art!

Goal #17 Watch IMDB’s 100 Greatest Movies

What a tough goal this is to accomplish. 😉

I’ve currently crossed 44 movies off my list. I technically have watched 43 of the movies, and decided not to finish “Old Boy,” which was a pretty disturbing movie that I had a few moral issues with, so I decided to check it off the list and call it a day.

I feel like this goal has opened up a whole new world for me – suddenly I’m catching movie references everywhere. I must have been missing so many jokes and puns throughout the course of my life without having seen some of these classics!

Goal #18 Perfect Hollandaise sauce

I plan to check this off the list this summer! Kate’s dad is a stellar Hollandaise sauce chef, and he has promised to teach us in the fine arts of Eggs Benedict.

Goal #22 Swim with dolphins
Goal #23 Learn how to surf
Goal #24 Go to Disneyland

In just a few weeks, I will be flying out to sunny San Diego! I have already booked my tickets to cross each one of these goals off my list! I’m not going to lie, I’m incredibly excited! Childhood dreams are coming true, folks!!


The year ahead holds many exciting experiences and goals to be accomplished! Setting out on this 25 Things adventure has been one of the best, most rewarding decisions I have made in my life, and I’m so excited to see what the next year holds. Stick around – adventure is on the horizon.


Want to read more about my 25 Things list? Click here for more adventures.


Hero image photo creds: Emily Nelson Photography.


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