25 Things Check-In: Zero Waste and Clean Energy

Just call me plastic-free, folks.

Ok, maybe not quite yet.

I still have a lot of work to do before I’m completely zero waste. However, I have made quite a lot of progress on moving toward a zero waste lifestyle, and I’m super jazzed about it. I’ve also tied that frame of mind into crossing off another item on my 25 Things list: purchasing stock. Read more about my progress below.


I’ve crossed one more item off my list – I purchased stock in a company called NextEra Energy. I was excited to cross off this item on my list, but also excited to invest in a company that is investing in the future of America through clean energy and the creation of jobs for Americans.

Their website is pretty aesthetically pleasing, too.

From NextEra Energy’s “Who We Are” page:

“In the competitive energy business, NextEra Energy Resources is a leader in developing, constructing and operating energy infrastructure. We have invested – and will continue to invest – in a clean-energy tomorrow for future generations. Our projects provide many benefits, including jobs, economic development and tax revenue that support local communities. Our expertise is in wholesale and retail electricity and project development and construction, as well as in offering customers the energy products and services they need.”

NextEra Energy began as a small company in Florida in 1925 – throughout the 70s and 80s, they began implementing eco-friendly changes throughout their organization, and have now totally transformed their company into a clean energy organization.  I liked what they stood for, and I liked that they were willing to make major changes to their organization in order to make the progress that the country needs.

Zero Waste

I’m feeling pretty great about my zero waste journey so far. I’ve cut a lot of plastic out of my life, and I would say I’m really only 20 percent there.

As you may recall, I’ve started bringing re-usable bags with me while shopping, to eliminate my plastic bag usage. I’ve also completely converted my shower routine to be zero waste – there is not one bit of waste, and that is crazy and amazing and so satisfying to me. To recap: I’ve begun using entirely Lush Cosmetics products, which you can purchase in tins, or in paper bags. Some of their products are sold in plastic containers, but the catch there is that you can return your clean plastic containers to them, and they will recycle the container for you and give you a free face mask, which is pretty bomb. Once they get to the point that they can’t recycle their plastic containers for their own purposes, they recycle the containers into material that is used to build children’s playgrounds, which is also super cool.

I’ve replaced my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, and exfoliator with Lush products. I use the Honey I Washed My Hair shampoo bar, the Big conditioner bar, the Honey I Washed the Kids soap, the Fresh Farmacy face wash, and the Scrubee exfoliating bar. They’re all amazing, and I highly recommend.

When I began my zero waste journey, I purchased the “Plumps” conditioner bar, which, to be honest, I hated. I was willing to continue using it as part of my zero waste efforts, but instead of subjecting myself to that for the rest of my life, I figured I’d try the Big conditioner bar, which was the one I originally wanted to try before I got sidetracked at the Lush store, which is easy to do. I’m glad I decided to give the Big conditioner bar a try, though, because it is. So. Good. I love it. It has an amazing coconut smell, which is one of my favorite scents, and it is hydrating and smoothing and glorious and it makes my hair shiny. Plumps was not that. Plumps was not that at all.

I’ve been using each of these Lush products every day for over 4 months, and the only one that has run out so far has been the Big conditioner bar, which is kind of ironic. However, I’m only about halfway through my shampoo bar, which is insane! All of the products go a long way.

But now, I’ve upped the ante. Kind of. Over the holidays, Lush introduced new Naked Body Conditioners.

And then they stopped selling them.

Which is kind of unfortunate. I’m the proud owner of the two scents they sold during the holidays, and I really like them. I’ve been a hardcore Aveeno fan for most of my life, but I could get behind these solid body conditioners. The only thing odd about them is their shape – I feel like Lush wanted them to mimic the shape of their plastic containers as some kind of marketing juxtaposition, but it’s kind of impractical. They could be a way more convenient, forgiving shape.

But maybe they will be! The Lush employee who sold the bars to me told me that Lush was testing the products out over the holidays, and if they went well, they would probably reevaluate the shape of the bar, and come back out with new products. So maybe that’s why they mysteriously disappeared from Lush’s website? Or maybe everyone else hated them, the sales plummeted, and Lush will never bring them back. Who knows!

I also tried using one of Lush’s powder deodorants, but could not bring myself to continue using it. It was so inconvenient and messy, and really is not my style. So instead, I’ve started using Schmidt’s Natural Deodorants. As the name suggests, the deodorants are made with natural and healthy ingredients, and do not contain any aluminum, which is a plus. Their deodorant sticks are 100 percent recyclable, which isn’t as optimal as no plastic at all, but still fits within the vision I have for my zero waste lifestyle. They do have a recycling program similar to Lush for the products they sell that come in glass jars – if you return five empty glass jars, you get a free product, and they’ll sanitize and reuse the glass jars.

I’ve tried both the Lavender Sage and Rose Vanilla scented deodorants – both are great, but there are several other scents that Schmidt’s sells, and I’m kind of curious to try them all.

I’ve also purchased a bamboo toothbrush, which I also got on Amazon.

Even the packaging was 100 percent compostable, which is awesome.

In other zero waste news, I’ve also put together a zero waste basket for my car. This way, I’ll always have my zero waste essentials nearby.

It’s so nice and compact. So what’s inside?

 A plethora of re-usable bags, so I never have an excuse to use plastic bags.

I also have these re-usable produce bags that are perfect. I got them from purifyou on Amazon, and they’re awesome. They were inexpensive, and they come in a wide variety of sizes. A mesh bag for every occasion!

I got a set of these steel straws for Christmas, which was pretty cool. Shout out to the fam for supporting my zero waste dreams. These straws are from Life Without Plastic, and they come with their own little cleaners, which is super convenient. Now I can cut out any plastic straw usage. The other steel straw is in my purse, for easier accessibility.

I also have a tumbler and a travel mug – just in case I want to purchase a cold drink or a hot beverage. No more plastic cups for me!

All of these changes have been small steps that resulted in a large decrease of plastic usage and consumption in my life. I’m excited to keep moving toward a zero waste lifestyle!

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