What is 25 Things?
It’s a list! Specifically, of 25 things I planned to do before I turned 25. There are actually 26, as you may notice. We’re rolling with it.
I mapped out goals for myself over the course of 2.5 years while I attempted to complete each goal. Did I mention that I’m Type-A?
Some of them are boring, if we’re being honest, but are things I need/needed to do!
Goals that have been completed turn blue.
I unfortunately did not complete all 26 goals before I turned 25, but I’m giving myself the rest of my 25th year to work on them. Life’s a journey, right?
25 Things To Do Before I Turn 25:
- Get into a regular sleep schedule (I haven’t gone to bed before midnight since I was seventeen.)
- Wake up an hour earlier each morning, and utilize the time to write and work out (Channeling my inner William Stafford.)
- Start a blog (Oh, hey!)
- Write a book (Just have faith in me.)
- Go to Mount Everest (You read that right.)
- Start an after-school writing group (I was a young writing/reading nerd myself, once!)
- Go zero waste (Like, really zero.)
- Get laser hair removal (Zero waste means no more shavers, yo.)
- Move out and live independently (Student loans are rough, alright?)
- Attend the hot air balloon festival in
DuluthAlbuquerque (Light em up, boys!) - Visit every State Park in Minnesota (There are 75.)
- Get in best shape of life with Kate (My friend Kate is doing her own 25 Things list!)
- Run a 10K with Kate (Once we get in the best shape of our lives.)
- Pay off half of my student loans (Wouldn’t that be nice?)
- Go somewhere nostalgic from my childhood (A bakery from my childhood!)
- Hand-bind a copy of The Great Gatsby (I do things like hand-bind books and obsess over F. Scott Fitzgerald in my spare time.)
- Watch IMDB’s 100 Greatest Movies (I hadn’t seen most of these, embarrassingly enough.)
- Perfect Hollandaise sauce (Who doesn’t love eggs benny?)
- Start a Roth IRA (Trying to be fiscally responsible, here.)
- Buy stock (If only I’d gotten in on the ground floor of Tesla.)
- Take education courses somewhere (Life-long learner.)
- Swim with dolphins (Who doesn’t want to do this?)
- Learn how to surf (Hoping I’m coordinated enough. Update: Wasn’t.)
- Go to Disneyland (Childhood goal.)
- Skateboard in California with my Dad (Where my Dad grew up!)
- Go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight (We’re calling it our capstone goal.)
Check out some of the posts related to my 25 Things List below!